Tag Archives: Gender

Jocelyn Goldfein discusses false mythology of computer science

Facebook’s Director of Engineering, Jocelyn Goldfein, speaks with the Post’s Emi Kolawole about the mythology surrounding computer science and why girls are particularly discouraged from pursuing a career in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. © The Washington Post 2012.

Women’s Suffrage Education

The right of women to vote varies across the globe. Women in the USA protested for a century to finally receive the vote in 1920. When our rights are questioned on a regular basis, we need reminders of what we have accomplished and what we deserve to keep. “Bad Romance: Women’s Suffrage is a parody music video paying homage to Alice Paul and the generations of brave women who joined together in the fight to pass the 19th Amendment.” © Soomo Publishing 2012.

The Real Women Inventors of America

The Real Women Inventors of America participants document their invention journeys. This series will be documenting the raw reality of what it’s like being a woman inventor and entrepreneur while juggling being a wife, mother and additional income provider. These women aren’t waiting for a license deal or financial backing…they’re out there promoting their inventions on their own. Each inventor will be meeting with accomplished inventors and consultants in the industry to take their businesses to the next level.

© Womentorz 2011

Right to Development – Globalization and gender

UNESCAP’s A Matter of Rights – A video series exploring the Right to Development. For some, the word globalization conjures up an image of a world getting smaller, more integrated, and more prosperous. For many others, the phenomenon only means working for low wages, and in poor conditions, for foreign companies. This report looks at some of the adverse effects on one group that resents the downside of globalization.