Category Archives: Arts/Media

Made with Code Makers

Listen to girls and women working with code at Google’s Made With Code site. If girls are inspired to see that Computer Science can make the world more beautiful, more usable, more safe, more kind, more innovative, more healthy, and more funny then hopefully they will begin to contribute their essential voices. As parents, teachers, organizations, and companies we’re making it our mission to creatively engage girls with code.

Bora Yoon sound artist

Yoon is a Korean-American sound artist who “explores the connection of sound to the subliminal.” Her instruments of choice range from the human voice and ancient Tibetan singing bowls to walkie talkies and kitchenware and her past theatrical productions include a musical adaptation of Haruki Murakami’s “The Wind Up Bird Chronicle.” © 2013 Bora Yoon.

Jepchumba and African Digital Art Network interview

Jepchumba is an African digital artist and digital enthusiast who works hard to combine her two loves: Digital Media and Africa. Originally from Kenya, she has lived around the world developing her interest in philosophy, art and technology. Jepchumba is also the founder and creative director of African Digital Art Network, a collective and creative space where digital artists, enthusiasts and professionals can seek inspiration, showcase their artistry and connect with emerging artists. An African digital artist, Jepchumba loves experimenting with motion, sound and various digital effects and techniques and has an extensive background in digital art, web design and development, audio/visual production and social media strategies. AfroOnline 2012.

Women’s Suffrage Education

The right of women to vote varies across the globe. Women in the USA protested for a century to finally receive the vote in 1920. When our rights are questioned on a regular basis, we need reminders of what we have accomplished and what we deserve to keep. “Bad Romance: Women’s Suffrage is a parody music video paying homage to Alice Paul and the generations of brave women who joined together in the fight to pass the 19th Amendment.” © Soomo Publishing 2012.