Category Archives: Physics

Ana Roca Castro of LATISM

Ana Roca Castro knows that language is power. She also knows that certain languages are universal, such as coding and math. In this inspiring personal talk Ana, one of the few Latina techies and the founder of LATISM (Latinos in Tech Innovation and Social Media), looks at the achievement gap facing English language learners, the language gap at the root of it, and the solutions that technology can offer. Learn more at Platform. © 2013.

Chien Shiung Wu a great Chinese-American Physicist
Chien Shiung Wu – 1st Lady of PhysicsThe top video clips of the week are here. Chien Shiung Wu was a Chinese-born American physicist with an expertise in radioactivity. Her nicknames included the ‘First Lady of Physics,’ ‘Chinese Marie Curie,’ and ‘Madame Wu.’ She died after her second stroke on February 16, 1997.