Category Archives: Health

Jane McGonigal uses games to solve real problems.

In this episode of Fast Company Magazine’s Work Flow, Game Designer Jane McGonigal, talks about the games and the scientific evidence showing that they help people face challenges. McGonigal and supporters have launched a new game called Catalyze 4 Change to eradicate poverty. © Fast Company 2012.

Dr. Virginia Apgar invents the Apgar Score

Virginia Apgar, MD (1909-1974) was an obstetric anesthesiologist best known for the Apgar Score, a clinical system for evaluating the physical condition of newborns at birth. She joined the March of Dimes in 1959 and became Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs. The Apgar Score, developed in 1952, measures an infants pulse, skin color, reflex, muscle tone, and respiration, quickly indicating whether a newborn needs special medical attention to stay alive. In her March of Dimes career, Dr. Apgar campaigned vigorously for birth defects registries, immunization against rubella (German measles), and the prevention of Rh disease; and she led the way to the foundations increasing involvement in the field of perinatal health in the 1960s.
March of Dimes, May 13, 2009.

Nancy Hopkins: Zebrafish and Cancer: What’s the Connection?

Through her rapport with the zebrafish, Nancy Hopkins has made large contributions to the fields of developmental biology and cancer research. But her model organism, and to some degree her particular slant on molecular biology, were a matter of serendipity, as she relates to this MIT Museum audience.

Nancy Hopkins. September 19, 2006. Running Time: 58:17. Published by MIT World Distributed Intelligence.

Women Are Scientists With Disabilities

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. Office of Science and Education. Women Are Scientists series. This video depicts three women scientists with disabilities who followed their dreams and, despite physical challenges, forged unique paths into their chosen specialties. Meet a clinical psychologist, a neurosurgeon, and a geneticist who is also a psychiatrist. All of these remarkable women are successful medical professionals. Be inspired by them and their stories!

7th Grader speads the word in Turkmenistan

UNICEF Television. Every day after school, 7th grader Jeren Yovbagshiyeva sits down with her family for afternoon tea.Today, instead of the usual talk about her progress in class, she has something different to discuss.Her school has just had a special lesson about the risks of drug use and the dangers of HIV and AIDS.It was a session that has stirred her to action. Jeren is what her teachers call a ¬pioneer. She is expected to take her knowledge from the classroom, and spread it throughout her community. Critical information in Turkmenistan, where only one in eight women of fertile age is able to identify the ways HIV can spread