Tag Archives: computer science

Jean Jennings Bartik, ENIAC Programmer

Bartik was hired as one of the original six programmers of ENIAC, the first all-electronic, programmable computer. She joined Frances “Betty” Snyder Holberton, Kathleen McNulty Mauchly Antonelli, Marlyn Wescoff Meltzer, Ruth Lichterman Teitelbaum and Frances Bilas Spence on this unknown journey. © 2011 Computer History Museum. Girl Power Night. Read more from Walter Isaacson on The Women of ENIAC.

Jane McGonigal uses games to solve real problems.


In this episode of Fast Company Magazine’s Work Flow, Game Designer Jane McGonigal, talks about the games and the scientific evidence showing that they help people face challenges. McGonigal and supporters have launched a new game called Catalyze 4 Change to eradicate poverty. © Fast Company 2012.