Category Archives: Technology

Catarina Mota, Maker of Smart Materials TEDGlobal Fellow, Catarina Mota plays with “smart materials” — like shape-memory alloys and piezoelectric structures that react to voltage — and encourages others to do so too. © 2012 TED.

Juliana Rotich, develoer of BRCK Internet access for Africa Rotich is the co-founder of Ushahidi, open-source software for collecting and mapping information — and of iHub, a collective tech space in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a TED Senior Fellow. © 2013 TED.

Jepchumba and African Digital Art Network interview

Jepchumba is an African digital artist and digital enthusiast who works hard to combine her two loves: Digital Media and Africa. Originally from Kenya, she has lived around the world developing her interest in philosophy, art and technology. Jepchumba is also the founder and creative director of African Digital Art Network, a collective and creative space where digital artists, enthusiasts and professionals can seek inspiration, showcase their artistry and connect with emerging artists. An African digital artist, Jepchumba loves experimenting with motion, sound and various digital effects and techniques and has an extensive background in digital art, web design and development, audio/visual production and social media strategies. AfroOnline 2012.

Jocelyn Goldfein Director of Engineering, Facebook

In this WITI session, Facebook Director of Engineering Jocelyn Goldfein will discuss the importance of getting more women into STEM, what the key obstacles are, and some changes that would make a difference in growing the number of women in tech. Jocelyn will also talk about the path to her current position and the impact of various experiences on her career decisions. © WITI 2011.

Women to Watch: Meet the Women Changing Silicon Valley
Huffington Post’s collage of Women running Silicon Valley. By Willow Bay, Senior Editor of The Huffington Post.

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