Category Archives: Software

Margaret Hamilton, MIT Instrumentation Laboratory

In the 1960’s Margaret Hamilton and her team saved the Apollo moon landing. Hamilton is now 78 and runs Hamilton Technologies, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company she founded in 1986. She’s lived to see “software engineering” — a term she coined — grow from a relative backwater in computing into a prestigious profession. Read more about her success on Vox.

Dame Stephanie Shirley: Why do ambitious women have flat heads?
Shirey founded a $3 billion all-woman software company in the UK in the 1960’s, and made millionaires of 70 of her team members. Her company, Freelance Programers, is a software firm with innovative work practices. Filmed March 2015 at TED2015.

OSU’s Margaret Burnett mentors women
Oregon State University’s Margaret Burnett, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has been a pioneer of women in Computer Science since she started her career in 1971. © Daily Edventures 2013.

Read more about her expertise on her OSU Profile page.

Jocelyn Goldfein Director of Engineering, Facebook

In this WITI session, Facebook Director of Engineering Jocelyn Goldfein will discuss the importance of getting more women into STEM, what the key obstacles are, and some changes that would make a difference in growing the number of women in tech. Jocelyn will also talk about the path to her current position and the impact of various experiences on her career decisions. © WITI 2011.